- Data Upload
- Instructions
- Counts Table
- Data Overview
- Samples View
- Genes View
- Gene Finder
- Multifactor Exploration
- Report Editor
- About
... or you can also
Preview on the available data
These buttons will open the fully rendered vignettes, either built locally or directly from the Bioconductor package page.
Otherwise, you can click on the collapsible element below to display a quickstart guide.
First things first: install pcaExplorer and load it into your R session. You should receive a message notification if this is completed without errors.
This document describes a use case for pcaExplorer, based on the dataset in the airway package. If this package is not available on your machine, please install it by executing:
This dataset consists of the gene-level expression measurements (as raw read counts) for an experiment where four different human airway smooth muscle cell lines are either treated with dexamethasone or left untreated.
Start exploring - the beauty of interactivity
To start the exploration, you just need the following lines:
The easiest way to explore the airway dataset is by clicking on the dedicated button in the Data Upload panel. This action will:
- load the airway package
- load the count matrix and the experimental metadata
- compose the
object, normalize the expression values (using the robust method proposed by Anders and Huber in the original DESeq manuscript), and compute the variance stabilizing transformed expression values (stored in thedst
object) - retrieve the gene annotation information via the org.Hs.eg.db, adding gene symbols to the ENSEMBL ids - this step is optional, but recommended for more human-readable identifiers to be used.
If you want to load your expression data, please refer to the User Guide, which contains detailed information on the formats your data have to respect.
Once the preprocessing of the input is done, you should get a notification in the lower right corner that you’re all set. The whole preprocessing should take around 5-6 seconds (tested on a MacBook Pro, with i7 and 16 Gb RAM). You can check how each component looks like by clicking on its respective button, once they appeared in the lower half of the panel.
You can proceed to explore the expression values of your dataset in the
Counts Table tab. You can change the data type you are displaying
between raw counts, normalized, or transformed, and plot their values in
a scatterplot matrix to explore their sample-to-sample correlations. To
try this, select for example “Normalized counts”, change the correlation
coefficient to “spearman”, and click on the Run
action button. The
correlation values will also be displayed as a heatmap.
Additional features, both for samples and for features, are displayed in
the Data overview panel. A closer look at the metadata of the
set highlights how each combination of cell type (cell
) and
dexamethasone treatment (dex
) is represented by a single sequencing
experiment. The 8 samples in the demo dataset are themselves a subsample
of the full GEO
namely the ones non treated with albuterol (alb
The relationship among samples can be seen in the sample-to-sample heatmap. For example, by selecting the Manhattan distance metric, it is evident how the samples cluster by dex treatment, yet they show a dendrogram structure that recalls the 4 different cell types used. The total sum of counts per sample is displayed as a bar plot.
Patterns can become clearer after selecting, in the App settings on
the left, an experimental factor to group and color by: try selecting
, for example. If more than one covariate is selected, the
interaction between these will be taken as a grouping factor. To remove
one, simply click on it to highlight and press the del or backspace key
to delete it. Try doing so by also clicking on cell
, and then removing
Basic summary information is also displayed for the genes. In the count matrix provided, one can check how many genes were detected, by selecting a “Threshold on the row sums of the counts” or on the row means of the normalized counts (more stringent). For example, selecting 5 in both cases, only 24345 genes have a total number of counts, summed by row, and 17745 genes have more than 5 counts (normalized) on average.
The Samples View and the Genes View are the tabs where most
results coming from Principal Component Analysis, either performed on
the samples or on the genes, can be explored in depth. Assuming you
selected cell
in the “Group/color by” option on the left, the Samples
PCA plot should clearly display how the cell type explain a considerable
portion of the variability in the dataset (corresponding to the second
PC). To check that dex
treatment is the main source of variability,
select that instead of cell
The scree plot on the right shows how many components should be retained for a satisfactory reduced dimension view of the original set, with their eigenvalues from largest to smallest. To explore the PCs other than the first and the second one, you can just select them in the x-axis PC and y-axis PC widgets in the left sidebar.
If you brush (left-click and hold) on the PCA plot, you can display a
zoomed version of it in the frame below. If you suspect some samples
might be outliers (this is not the case in the airway
set, still), you
can select them in the dedicated plot, and give a first check on how the
remainder of the samples would look like. On the right side, you can
quickly check which genes show the top and bottom loadings, split by
principal component. First, change the value in the input widget to 20;
then, select one of each list and try to check them in the Gene
Finder tab; try for example with DUSP1, PER1, and DDX3Y.
While DUSP1 and PER1 clearly show a change in expression upon
dexamethasone treatment (and indeed where reported among the well known
glucocorticoid-responsive genes in the original publication of Himes et
al., 2014), DDX3Y displays variability at the cell type level (select
in the Group/color by widget): this gene is almost undetected in
N061011 cells, and this high variance is what determines its high
loading on the second principal component.
You can see the single expression values in a table as well, and this information can be downloaded with a simple click.
Back to the Samples View, you can experiment with the number of top variable genes to see how the results of PCA are in this case robust to a wide range of this value - this might not be the case with other datasets, and the simplicity of interacting with these parameters makes it easy to iterate in the exploration steps.
Proceeding to the Genes View, you can see the dual of the Samples PCA: now the samples are displayed as arrows in the genes biplot, which can show which genes display a similar behaviour. You can capture this with a simple brushing action on the plot, and notice how their profiles throughout all samples are shown in the Profile explorer below; moreover, a static and an interactive heatmap, together with a table containing the underlying data, are generated in the rows below.
Since we compute the gene annotation table as well, it’s nice to read the gene symbols in the zoomed window (instead of the ENSEMBL ids). By clicking close enough to any of these genes, the expression values are plotted, in a similar fashion as in the Gene Finder.
The tab PCA2GO helps you understanding which are the biological
common themes (default: the Gene Ontology Biological Process terms) in
the genes showing up in the top and in the bottom loadings for each
principal component. Since we launched the pcaExplorer
app without
additional parameters, this information is not available, but can be
computed live (this might take a while).
Still, a previous call to pca2go
is recommended, as it relies on the
algorithm of the topGO
package: it will require some additional computing time, but it is
likely to deliver more precise terms (i.e. in turn more relevant from
the point of view of their biological relevance). To do so, you should
exit the live session, compute this object, and provide it in the call
to pcaExplorer
(see more how to do so in the main user
When you’re done - the power of reproducibility
A typical session with pcaExplorer
includes one or more iterations on
each of these tabs. Once you are finished, you might want to store the
results of your analysis in different formats.
With pcaExplorer
you can do all of the following:
- save every plot and table by simply clicking on the respective button, below each element
- save the state of the entire app and its reactive elements as a
file, as if it was a workspace (clicking on the cog icon in the right side of the task menu) - use the “Exit
and save” saves the state but in a specific environment of your R session, which you can later access by its name, which normally could look likepcaExplorerState_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
(also accessible from the cog) - enjoy the beauty of reproducible research in the Report Editor:
comes with a template analysis, that picks the latest status of the app during your session, and combines these reactive values together in a R Markdown document, which you can first preview live in the app, and then download as standalone HTML file - to store or share. This document stiches together narrative text, code, and output objects, and constitutes a compendium where all actions are recorded. If you are familiar with R, you can edit that live, with support for autocompletion, in the “Edit report” tab.
Counts table
Sample to sample scatter plots
Compute sample to sample correlations on the normalized counts - warning, it can take a while to plot all points (depending mostly on the number of samples you provided).
You did not create the dds object yet. Please go the main tab and generate it
Sneak peek in the data
Design metadata
Sample to sample distance heatmap
General information on the provided SummarizedExperiment/DESeqDataSet
Number of million of reads per sample
Basic summary for the counts
Number of uniquely aligned reads assigned to each sample
According to the selected filtering criteria, this is an overview on the provided count data
You did not create the dst object yet. Please go the main tab and generate it
Principal Component Analysis on the samples
PCA projections of sample expression profiles onto any pair of components.
Outlier Identification
Toggle which samples to remove - suspected to be considered as outliersYou did not create the dst object yet. Please go the main tab and generate it
Principal Component Analysis on the genes
PCA projections of genes abundances onto any pair of components.Main Plot - interact!
Zoomed window
Boxplot of selected gene
Zoomed heatmap
Zoomed interactive heatmap
Table export options
Points selected by clicking:
Download clicked (or nearby) pointsYou did not create the dst object yet. Please go the main tab and generate it
You did not create the dds object yet. Please go the main tab and generate it
pca2go - Functional annotation of Principal Components
Functions enriched in the genes with high loadings on the selected principal components
You did not create the dst object yet. Please go the main tab and generate it
You did not create the dst object yet. Please go the main tab and generate it
About pcaExplorer
is a Bioconductor package containing a Shiny application for
analyzing expression data in different conditions and experimental factors.
guides the user in exploring the Principal Components of the data,
providing tools and functionality to detect outlier samples, genes that show
particular patterns, and additionally provides a functional interpretation of
the principal components for further quality assessment and hypothesis generation
on the input data.
Thanks to its interactive/reactive design, it is designed to become a practical companion to any RNA-seq dataset analysis, making exploratory data analysis accessible also to the bench biologist, while providing additional insight also for the experienced data analyst.
Moreover, pcaExplorer
supports reproducible research with state saving and automated
report generation.
was developed in the Bioinformatics Division led by Harald Binder
at the IMBEI (Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik)
in the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
All code for pcaExplorer
is available on
Citation info
If you use pcaExplorer
for your analysis, please cite it as here below:
To cite package ‘pcaExplorer’ in publications use:
Federico Marini (2018). pcaExplorer: Interactive Visualization of RNA-seq Data Using
a Principal Components Approach. R package version 2.6.0.
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {pcaExplorer: Interactive Visualization of RNA-seq Data Using a Principal Components Approach},
author = {Federico Marini},
year = {2018},
note = {R package version 2.6.0},
url = {https://github.com/federicomarini/pcaExplorer},